Scarlett Johansson Nude Pictures Hacker Jailed For 10 Years

Scarlett Nude Picture Hacker Jailed

The man who hacked into Scarlett Johansson's private computer and leaked nude pictures of the actress online has been jailed for 10 years.

Christopher Chaney, 25, from Florida - who pleaded guilty to nine cyber hacking-related charges - was sentenced in a LA court on Monday.

Scarlett Johansson gave a tearful statement to the court

The sentence was passed by a US judge after they watched a tearful statement from the 'Lost In Translation' star.

U.S. District Judge S. James Otero told the defendant: "It's hard to fathom the mindset of a person who would accomplish all of this. These types of crimes are as pernicious and serious as physical stalking."

In response, Chaney said: "I don't know what else to say other than I'm sorry. I could be sentenced to never use a computer again and I wouldn't care."

Christopher Chaney was sentenced to 10 years in prison

Chaney hacked into Johansson's private accounts and stole naked pictures of the actress intended for her then-husband Ryan Reynolds, before publishing the images on the Internet.

Prosecutors said he accessed the private email and phone accounts of over 50 celebrities including Christina Aguilera and Mila Kunis.


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