Woman Accused Of 'Skeleton Sex' Convicted Of 'Disturbing The Peace Of The Dead' (PICTURES)

'Skeleton Sex' Woman Convicted Of 'Disturbing The Peace Of The Dead'

A Swedish woman accused of using human bones as sex toys has been convicted of “disturbing the peace of the dead”.

The unnamed 37-year-old avoided a charge of necrophilia however, telling the local Göteborgs-Posten (GP) newspaper she is an “odd bird” but “not sexually interested in necrophilia”.

More than 100 human parts were found in the woman's apartment

In a written statement, the court said: "Criminal protection starts when a person dies, and the protection remains as long as there are remains of the deceased.

"The fact that the woman had moved bones constitutes a crime because she was unauthorised to do so, just as it's a crime to put together a skeleton and have it lying on the floor, to have bones in plastic bags, and to sell them.

The woman’s haul was reported to amount to more than 100 parts from human skeletons, including a backbone, six skulls and a raft of other small parts, according to Swedish news agency TT.

Prosecutors alleged the woman used the bones for sexual gratification. She was charged with “disturbing the peace of the dead" after police found incriminating photographs of her kissing and licking the remains.

The unnamed woman was pictured hugging and kissing the skeleton parts

Officers also found a video in the women’s flat, entitled 'My Necrophilia'. According to AFP, a body bag, a drill and a photograph from a mortuary were also found.

The skeleton parts were discovered after police were called to the woman's flat in September after a gunshot was allegedly fired from the dwelling.

The woman denied the charges when appearing before Gothenburg District Court last month, claiming she kept the skeleton parts out of historical curiosity.

According to the GP, the accused had posted incriminating messages on Internet forums in the past.

She reportedly wrote: "My morals set my limits and I'm prepared to take the punishment if something should happen.

"It's worth it. I want my man like he is, whether he is dead or alive. He allows me to find sexual happiness on the side."

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