Christine Bleakley And Frank Lampard's Wedding 'On Hold'

The Wedding's On Hold

Christine Bleakley has been engaged to Frank Lampard for what seems like a lifetime, but it still doesn't look like the pair will be walking down the aisle anytime soon.

The 'Dancing On Ice' host has revealed the nuptials are on hold until her footballer beau is sure of his next career move.

Frank's contract with current club Chelsea is up at the end of this season, and the couple are waiting to see where he winds up before setting a date.

Speaking on 'Loose Women', she said: "We'd love to do it this year. Ideally, later on in the year.

"No date as yet as we are kind of waiting to see what happens, but yes, ideally, it will be."

Christine, who used to host 'The One Show' and 'Daybreak', didn't give any clues as to whether the couple would follow in Posh and Becks' footsteps and head to the US, with recent reports linking Frank to a role at LA Galaxy.

Of his career, she said: "We don't know what's happening there, we're not sure what's going on.

"I hear a different country every day. Places I've never even heard of, we're moving to," she added.

Guess we'll have to put our hat back in the box for now then...



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