The education charity SGOSS is giving away an iPad Mini to celebrate the launch of its new campaign 'We're the people' - launched on 8th February - which highlights the personal benefits of volunteering to help fill 30,000 school governor vacancies across England.
School governors are the largest group of volunteers in education. They support and challenge the headteacher, set the strategic direction for the school and monitor and evaluate progress.
As members of the school's governing body, governors who support children, education and schools have the opportunity to significantly develop their skills and competencies. Volunteers develop hard business skills, such as business awareness and financial skills such as planning and budgets, as well as improved influencing and negotiating skills.
To find out more information about the campaign or to volunteer as a governor visit
We have one iPad Mini up for grabs. For your chance to win, enter your details below before 8th March 2013.
Good luck!