Meet Dave The Weetabix-Loving Squirrel (PICTURE)

PICS: Meet Dave, The Weetabix-Loving Squirrel

Meet Dave: the Weetabix-loving squirrel who makes a daily visit to pick up some morning wholegrain goodness.

Stephen Heath from North London managed to get this great shot of Dave the squirrel just after he'd snapped up a piece of mini Weetabix from his hands (presumably Dave couldn't handle a full sized Weetabix). Apparently, Dave isn't accustomed to raisins - but loves to indulge in a piece of coconut every now and then.

No doubt we're going to be seeing more of this very cute and crafty critter in action again... North Londoners beware: he might be on your balcony right now..!

Dave waits anxiously for his brekkie...


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