Pippa Middleton Parts Company From Her Agent After Poor Sales Of Her Book, 'Celebrate'

Pippa Middleton Parts From Agent After Poor Sales Of First Book

Pippa Middleton and her agent have gone their separate ways following a poor reception and sales of her first book.

Pippa, the sister of the Duchess of Cambridge, launched her entertainment guide, 'Celebrate' last year to much fanfare but the book was panned by critics and failed to set the book charts alight.

Pippa Middleton at the launch for her book, Celebrate, last year

Last night, her former agent, David Godwin confirmed he no longer represented Pippa, saying: “I am very sorry it has happened, but yes, it is true: I no longer represent Pippa and I wish her every good luck.”

Despite reportedly being paid a £400,000 advance for the £25 book, it was a flop with book buyers and only sold 2000 copies in the first week on sale, resulting in some retailers slashing the price to £6.25 in a bid to shift their stock.

And the guide - trailed as 'a year of British festivities for family and friends' - fared no better with critics either who mocked its 'banal' content such as how to make ice cubes, play a game of conkers or hold a sack race. Novelist Jilly Cooper described it as 'terrible' and said bosses at publisher Penguin were 'slashing their wrists'.

Despite the mauling, Pippa hasn't given up on writing just yet - her first column, Pippa’s Friday Night Feasts, will appear in Waitrose Kitchen magazine from next month.


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