Rex Features
Welcome to week 13
For lots of expectant mums, it's the middle trimester (from now until the end of week 28) that's the most enjoyable.
The advantages are:
• you'll have a noticeable bump – eventually – and might enjoy a bit of 'special treatment' such as being offered a seat on a crowded train
• you'll be able to choose some new maternity clothes. (But don't go too mad: remember, you're only going to be wearing them for six months or so)
• you'll (hopefully) enter the 'blooming' phase (see later)
• you'll (hopefully) have got over any sickness and will still be far enough off giving birth not to panic about it!• you'll (hopefully) have more energy than at any other time in pregnancy
Inside story
Weighing in at around 80g and measuring about 11.5cm from top to tail, your baby's growing fast, although, when you consider that the average weight of a newborn is 3.4kg, there's still a way to go!
If you were to have your dating scan this week you might even see your baby break a smile. Even at this young age all 20 milk teeth are present and correct under the gums – some babies are even born with teeth.
On the outside
This might be the week you decide to tell other people your pregnancy news. Week 12 is over and you're past the worst danger period for miscarriage (although there are no guarantees in any pregnancy that getting beyond week 12 is failsafe). You'll probably have your first scan pictures to show off and may feel more certain about the pregnancy than you did before, so happy to share your news with people.
Things to think about
Telling people you are pregnant will often lead to a mixed reaction. On the outside, people might make all the right noises, there could be some bubbling resentment from anyone who has tried and failed to get pregnant, or others who might want to start a family but aren't in the right relationship. Then there might be women who've experienced miscarriage (whether you know it or not) and who might feel ambivalent towards your pregnancy. Take everyone's comments and attitudes in your stride: every pregnancy is unique and no one – no matter how determined they are to tell you horror stories about pregnancy and birth – should be able to influence how you feel about yours.
Your relationship with your mum might change a bit – hopefully for the better as you start to understand and appreciate what she went through to have you! Lots of mums-to-be experience feelings that bring them closer to their own mothers, but some can find their mums interfering too. Try not to let it upset you: your mum (or in-law) is probably only trying to help and is probably anxious for you.
Have you had a really good chat with your partner about your newly expectant state? He was instrumental in the conception but, not being the one who's pregnant, he might not really appreciate how life-changing it feels. Or he might be scared stiff but afraid to tell you. Or he might think a lot of fuss is being made over nothing, in which case you're probably well within your rights to punish him. It's worth setting aside time to chat things over: what are your expectations and his? Do you have the same ideas about how life will be once you're parents? Is he anxious – terrified even - about being at the birth? Becoming a parent is life-changing so it's important to keep talking and sharing feelings throughout your pregnancy.