Cara Delevingne Has 'CJD' Tattoo. That's Her Initials, Not Because She Has Mad Cow Disease. (PICTURES)

Cara's A Mad Cow

Oh dear. Cara Delevingne seems to be following in her ex Harry Styles' footsteps when it comes to ill advised tattoos.

The model has had her initials 'CJD' inked on the side of her hand. Or put another way, the acronym for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. You know, mad cow's disease.

Not that Cara seemed bothered as she uploaded a picture of her new inking on Instagram, writing: "My new CJD (Cara Jocelyn Delevingne) tattoo by @bangbangnyc."

And after having the CJD design completed by New York artist Bang Bang - who also recently inked her 'wifey' Rita Ora - Cara took a turn with the ink gun herself, etching a design on his leg.

"Me tattooing a tattoo legend!! You must be crazy @bangbangnyc," she wrote on Instagram.

It is Cara's second tattoo in as many weeks, having recently had a lion etched on her finger, after being egged on by pal Rihanna.

And don't expect her to stop there, as she recently told Glamour magazine, she wants 'loads' more tats, 'all over her body'.


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