Grown-Up Calvin And Hobbes Is Our Picture Of The Day

LOOK: Grown-Up Calvin And Hobbes

A tip of the hat to our American cousins over the Pond at Huffington Post Comedy for alerting us to this gem which, as they rightly say, may well bring a tear to your eye. If you're a fan of the brilliant American cartoon strip 'Calvin and Hobbes', that is.

Because artist/comedian Craig Mahoney has imagined Bill Watterson's little boy Calvin as an adult. And the result is pretty darn wonderful:

The painting is part of Mahoney's solo show Portraits of Awesomeness: The Art of a Fanboy which opens on 7 June at Boca Grande Cantina Mexicana in Jersey City, New Jersey. You can follow Mahoney on Twitter at @CraigMahoney.


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