Sharon Osbourne 'Throws Fit' At Heathrow Airport Security After Liquids Confiscated

Sharon 'Throws Airport Fit'

Sharon Osbourne is famous for her outspoken ways, but her temper reportedly got the better of her after she had her liquids confiscated at airport security at Heathrow.

The 'X Factor' judge allegedly 'threw a fit' at security officials after they took away liquids from her hand luggage to repack them in plastic bags.

Sharon Osbourne

According to The Mirror, Mrs O was maddened as she claimed she has been allowed to travel with the liquids from both Birmingham and Los Angeles airports.

A witness told the paper: "Sharon was livid that they were poking around in her bag, because she said she had used it several times before.

"She lost her temper with them and snapped, 'Fine. Just leave them then. I don't want any of them. I don't care.'

"Then, she stormed off leaving some shocked-looking security guards with all her toiletries. Loads of other passengers were staring."

However, she was forced to return to the guards when she realised she had left some medicine in one of the plastic bags, only to find that security had destroyed them, which further added to her anger.

"She was even angrier, because she said she needed her medicine. She was really ranting, but there was nothing anybody could do because it had been thrown away," the source said.

Sharon is facing many long haul flights to and from LA after returning to 'The X Factor', as she is also still serving as a host on US chat show, 'The Talk'.

Sharon and fellow 'X Factor' judges Louis, Gary and Nicole

It is reported to be costing ITV £13,000 a trip to jet Sharon back and fourth, and a source told The Sun: "Sharon has done a deal which will see her jet back and forth a number of times, with her flights paid for by ITV. That was one of her conditions."

It was recently reported that her commitments in the States will mean she will often be mentoring her acts via Skype.


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