Katy Perry: 'Russell Brand Dumped Me By Text'

'Russell Dumped Me By Text'

Katy Perry has revealed that Russell Brand dumped her by text.

The singer claimed that she hasn't heard from her ex-husband since he messaged her to end their 14-month marriage in 2011.

Katy told US Vogue: “He’s a very smart man, a magical man and I was in love with him when I married him.

“Let's just say I haven't heard from him since he texted me saying he was divorcing me December 31, 2011."

Russell, we expected better of you!

Katy also hinted there is more to their split than has been made public, adding: “I felt a lot of responsibility for it ending, but then I found out the real truth, which I can't necessarily disclose because I keep it locked in my safe for a rainy day.

“I let go and I was like, 'This isn't because of me; this is beyond me.' So I have moved on from that."

After the couple split, Katy went on to reunite with ex John Mayer, and has now been linked to Robert Pattinson in the wake of his break-up from Kristen Stewart.

Russell spoke out about his divorce to Esquire magazine earlier this month, admitting he found it hard being married having previously had a reputation as a lothario.

He confessed: "I live a life where I have a lot of freedom, so if I meet someone and I go, “Right let’s be monogamous,” that’s a f**king change. But I tried it and I loved it. I really think she’s a lovely beautiful person [Katy Perry]. It’s just hard isn’t it? She’s got a lot of options, I’ve got a lot of options, so you’ve got to really, really want it.”


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