With only weeks left until the Duchess of Cambridge gives birth to her first child, details on the heir to the throne are being slowly drip-fed to us.
So far, only a few official pieces of information have been revealed, such as the Duchess' choice to have a natural birth, and the setting for the birth as the Lindo wing of St Mary's Hospital.

There are actually three people in this picture
However, essential details such as gender or the baby's name have not been revealed. In fact, the Duchess and her husband, Prince William, do not themselves yet know the gender of the baby - or do they?
Anyway, an expectant nation must wait a little while longer to find out.
However, there's no reason why the nation can't speculate on the new prince or princess. And for this we turn to the mystical Chinese Zodiac cycle.
With a birth date set for mide-late 2013, we can be certain that the infant will be born in the year of the snake.
So what does this mean for its character?
Traditionally, the snake is described by the Chinese Zodiac system as a wise, thoughtful and relatively quiet being who enjoys the benefits of being attractive and financially successful.
The latter two traits certainly appear very viable. As a member of the Royal Family, the prospective prince or princess is unlikely to encounter any significant economic hardship.
You wouldn't, for example, expect to see them playing Tambourine Man on the Underground in 18 years time.
Also, with a mother who is admired for her looks and a father who makes even thinning hair seem somewhat 'cool', the child could grow up to be quite the looker.
Furthermore, with a father who earned the highest degree of any heir to the throne, there is plenty of hope for intelligence and thoughtfulness, the latter being strongly associated with the late Princess Diana.
Thus, the child's success in life appears set in stone.

The baby will be born in the year of the snake
Or does it?
As with every Zodiac sign, there are downsides to the advantages.
The most serious is the risk of developing an egoistical attitude. This, coupled with a damaging and inherent lack of trust in other people, could mean the baby will grow to develop a heightened sense of self-importance (something that sits well with his or her royal background).
On top of this, the complexity of the Chinese Zodiac means this year is also assigned an element- water- which supposedly clashes with the fiery snake, leading to instability and a need for caution.
As a result, his or her life could be a troubled one, with a conflict in their destiny (if there is such a thing) and a dispute within their personality.
Whichever way it turns out, it will be interesting to see just how accurate these horoscopes can be.