Christie Brinkley Shows Off Her Hula-Hooping Skills (And Amazing Figure)

Christie Brinkley Shows Off Her Hula-Hooping Skills (And Amazing Figure)

Is it really possible to look this good at almost-60? We suppose it must be unless Christie Brinkley is some kind of alien sent from a planet called Wrinkle-Me-Never-Land in Outer Space.

Anyway, everything from the perfect sexy blonde hair, to the flawless face, the slim figure and perfect-fit jeans makes Christie (surely) the best-looking 58-year-old on the planet.

The former supermodel posed for pics at the World Smile Day in New York, and also took the time to show everyone her keep-trim secret: she's a whizz with a hula-hoop.

See a host of retro supermodel pics below:


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