Dr Who's Karen Gillan Rocks Excellent Dolce &Amp; Gabbana And Inexplicable Thick Black Tights For Screening

Dr Who's Karen Gillan Rocks Excellent Dolce &Amp; Gabbana And Inexplicable Thick Black Tights For Screening

Who?Dr Who's Karen Gillan, accompanied by Arthur Darvill and Dr Who himself (ie Matt Smith)

What? The redhead attended a screening of Asylum Of The Daleks at London's BFI Southbank in a summery Dolce & Gabbana ensemble comprising a peach jacquard shell top with a floral miniskirt. We do take issue with Karen's unrelenting dedication to black opaque tights however, as is was absolutely baking hot in London yesterday. Before we know it she'll be rocking a fur coat in the sweltering heat, a la Gaga.


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