Gather Round And Stare For We Have A Picture Of Beyonce And Jay-Z's Holiday Home

Gather Round And Stare For We Have A Picture Of Beyonce And Jay-Z's Holiday Home

Beyonce and Jay-Z are holidaying. Obviously they are in a B&B in Herne Bay for ten days with their small child and not a nanny in sight. Ahahahah. But seriously, here's their holiday home:

According to The Sun Beyonce and Jay Z will be renting the Hamptons mansion for a mere £250,000 a month. We were considering researching that for ourselves but to be honest, would knowing the exact figure make us feel better? The answer is no. It would not.

Instead we have decided to play fantasy homeowner and are deciding which room will be ours when the famous couple (INEVITABLY) invite us on their excursion.

We're thinking we would take the little complex to the left of the pool in the picture. After all, the couple need their privacy and it means we can stay up late and play bangin' choons without fear of waking the rest of the house.

N.B. Bangin' choons in this scenario involves an awful lot of dreadful garage music from the late nineties. And then Beyonce would teach us the Single Ladies dance.


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