Laura Pradelska is an actress and model currently starring in HBO's Games Of Thrones. MyDaily caught up with the German-born star and talked Kate Moss, Topshop and purple hair...
When I look in the mirror I see... a woman who can overcome any obstacle in her way. I see my father's eyes and my mother's lips, which makes smile and makes me happy, but also really quite melancholic.
If I was stranded on a desert island with one dress it would be... my Kate Moss for Topshop paisley print mini dress. It's my lucky dress. I wore it to my Game Of Thrones audition and got the job and since then, every time I wear it I have a really good day.
When I was at school I wanted to be... a detective. I read a lot of crime stories when I was a child back in Germany and I wanted to go around solving everything – I even had a little black detective suitcase. I had big plans to fight crime but I never got round to it.
My biggest style triumph was... in my teens I had bright purple hair and I used to dress in black all the time. It wasn't my most fashionable or stylish moment but I look back at it as a triumph because I was individual and dressed the way I wanted to.
If I could be any character from film or literature I'd be... the actress Ingrid Bergman when she portrayed Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir in the film A Woman Called Golda. There was so much bravery and courage in her performance and I try and emulate that in my own work. Whenever I'm auditioning I think about that film.