Katherine Jenkins was looking rather chic as she headed to take her seat in the royal box at Wimbledon on Tuesday. The opera singer, who was recently dropped by her record label, was all smiles in a smart cream ensemble, teamed with nude heels, clutch bag and oversized shades.
Katherine looked like she didn't have a care in the world as she chatted to apparent friend Terry flippin' Wogan! What the ef?
But we have to say Terry was looking properly dapper in a grey suit complete with jazzy pocket square and on-trend monk shoes. Well played!
However, we've come to one conclusion and one conclusion only after seeing Katherine and Terry Wogan together at Wimbledon. They MUST be BFFs.
And we reckon Terry regularly pops round to Kath's for tea and to watch playbacks of The Voice. They chat about Eurovision and the weather, while nibbling on bourbons and custard creams. Obviously.