It's tough making the transition from family-friendly youngster to an adult in the public eye, something Miley Cyrus - who has been blasted for her latest raunchy video - knows all too well. So who does she call up when she needs some advice and understanding? Britney Spears, of course.
The former Hannah Montana star told The Huffington Post UK her close friend Britney is the "one person in [her] life who gets it".

Miley Cyrus
The "it" she is referring to (we imagine) is the constant paparazzi intrusion and headlines regarding her personal life, on everything ranging from her new image, to drug use and alleged relationship crises.
Asked whether she thinks she and Britney have shared a similar journey, Miley said: "Everyone goes through a time in their life where they don’t want their picture taken everyday. She just never had that time where she could say 'I’m going through something right now and need to shut down'.
"I also don’t have that, so it’s good to have that one person in my life who gets it."

Miley Cyrus and Britney Spears back in 2009
Asked whether Britney has been a role model to her, 20-year-old Miley revealed: "I just think it’s never blaming you or making you feel like ‘you’ve got all this going for you,’ it’s like she knows. Sometimes life just steps in the middle of your career the way life always does for anyone - it’s just ours is a little more 24/7."
Read our full interview with Miley Cyrus on Thursday.
WATCH: Miley Cyrus's 'We Can't Stop' video below. The single is out on 4 August and you can pre-order it on iTunes now...