Tubie: The Inflatable Ironing Machine (VIDEO)

Meet Tubie: The Terrifying Inflatable Ironing Machine

A new automatic ironing machine has been launched in the UK which aims to blow up the traditional chore - literally.

Tubie, which is the work of a German company and is now on sale for £850 in the UK, is essentially an inflatable series of bags which fill with hot air and iron your clothes for you.

Because the clothes are ironed in their natural state there are no creases or crumples. It works with shirts, trousers and anything else you can think of, and while it's expensive and unwieldily, it might have a future in the homes of the wealthy, the lazy or (more practically) the commercial sector.

Tubie says: "While it's doing the work, you can take care of more important matters or simply relax. It is the best solution for you, fast and perfect for the job!"

Check it out, below.

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