5 Signs That All Might Not Be Rosy Between Harry Styles And His One Direction Bandmates

Is Everything Ok With Harry Styles?
Harry Styles
Harry Styles

Let's face it, if anyone is going to 'do a Robbie' and make a dramatic exit from One Direction like Mr. Williams did at the height of Take That's fame, then it'll be Harry Styles.

And could that happen sooner, rather than later? We wouldn't bet against it judging by a few of the tell-tale signs we've been getting a whiff of lately.

We're speculating of course, so those emergency fan helplines can probably wait (for now) but it's no secret that Harry's the cool one of the band, the one with the naughty twinkle in his eye, the one with the cool mates and the one who 'doesn't think' he's bisexual. Which sounds rather a lot like Robbie circa 1995.


Need more convincing? Let's look at the evidence...


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