Andros Townsend Leaves Photographer Injured (PICTURES)

Andros Townsend Leaves Photographer Injured (PICTURES)

Tottenham winger Andros Townsend left Daily Mail photographer Graham Chadwick with a bloody face after a nasty collision.

Chadwick, covering Spurs' match with Hull City, came into painful contact with the England winger when Townsend's momentum took him past the byline and over the advertising hoardings, clattering into Chadwick as he plunged into the photographers' pit.

As Chadwick was bandaged up, Townsend received oxygen after a sickening somersault.

Daily Mail photographer Graham Chadwick nurses his injuries

Following five minutes' treatment, Townsend returned to the pitch and completed the full 90 in Spurs' 1-0 defeat of Hull.


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