'Star Wars: Tiny Death Star' Might Be The Cutest Star Wars Game Ever (PICTURES)

'Star Wars: Tiny Death Star' Might Be The Cutest Star Wars Game Ever

We've already had Star Wars Angry Birds - and Star Wars Lego.

But it looks like Star Wars: Tiny Death Star might be the cutest Star Wars game ever made.

An upcoming version of the iOS classic Tiny Tower, the game will feature all of your favourite Star Wars moments in brilliant, and exceptionally adorable 8-bit style graphics.

Disney said:

From deep within the Death Star, Disney Interactive and LucasArts today released four new images from the upcoming 8-bit mobile game Star Wars: Tiny Death Star. These scenes from the Death Star showcase just a few of the iconic Star Wars moments featured in the game. Star Wars: Tiny Death Star is coming soon to mobile devices across the galaxy.

Take a look at the screenshots below. Awwwwwww, tiny Vadar! Etc.


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