Katie Hopkins Causes Outrage As She Mocks Name Of Sick Child Featured In 'X Factor' Charity Appeal

Katie Mocks Sick Child

Rent-a-gob Katie Hopkins has caused outrage yet again - this time mocking the name of a sick child who featured in an 'The X Factor' charity appeal.

10-year-old Kaychanel Willson - whose complicated health issues mean she has to have four-hour dialysis sessions four times a week - was shown as part of a film for Great Ormond Street Hospital on Sunday night's show.

But Katie - who famously argued on 'This Morning' that children's names were linked to class - was not emotionally affected by Kaychanel's story, instead taking the opportunity to mock her name.

Katie Hopkins

She tweeted: "Kaychanel has enough on her plate without me adding to it,’ she tweeted. ‘Could have been worse. KayEsteeLauder. #xfactor."

Outraged Twitter users soon hit back at the former 'Apprentice' candidate, blasting her ill-judged joke.

"Katie Hopkins is disgusting. Making fun of that sick child shown on The X Factor," one tweeted.

Another wrote: "@KTHopkins you really are disgusting. I hope your children aren’t bullied at school due to your lack of compassion and decency."

Kaychanel Wilson suffers from Vacterl Sequence

She was later 'axed' from 'This Morning' after a petition to ban her from TV gathered 87,000 signatures.


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