Does Having Kids Age You?

Does Having Kids Age You?

I was looking through some old photos today and was blown away by how much I'd aged in 11 years. It made me wonder ~ does having kids make you age more quickly?

In this photo I'm 27.

Then here I am 11 years later aged 38.

I've worked with children for 22 years, but been a parent for only four of those. I had two babies very close together (364 days!) so I know my body took a battering. My two have always been great sleepers (apart for when poorly) so is it stress, worry, the daily routine that has aged me?

I still feel young, even though I don't look it! The wrinkles have set in and dark circles are there most days. My body is not as fit and toned as it used to be, I'm no longer a size 6, but you know? I actually feel better for it. (Not the wrinkles! The extra weight!)

I'd like to think I'm still cool (my nieces and nephew assure me I am) and I'm not trying to be young just being myself.

If this is 11 years' difference, I'm a bit scared of what I'll look like at 49 in 11 years' time.

I'd love to know what you think! Do you look younger pre-kids or have you not changed at all? Or on the flip side do you look better and feel better for it?

Fi is a full time mum of two born less than a year apart.

Fi is also a qualified nursery nurse and parent adviser. Her first book 'Blissful Baby - say goodnight to sleepless nights!' Is due out in the spring.
