'X Factor' Winner Sam Bailey Reveals Her Debut Album Will Be Out By Spring

Sam Bailey Is Wasting No Time

'X Factor' winner Sam Bailey is wasting no time in getting her debut album out.

The former prison officer has revealed she wants her own record in shops by spring. This makes a change from last year's winner of the ITV singing contest, James Arthur, whose album came out almost a year after he appeared on the show.

Sam Bailey

Speaking to OfficialCharts.com (in the video above), Sam said: "2014 is going to be a huge year for me. Basically, I'm in the studio pretty much straight away. We're hoping to get an album out for spring. On the album, I'm going to try and do things a little bit differently.

"I want to do some songs that people haven't heard in a while, and bring back some stuff that people probably haven't even heard of, so that it feels like a new song."

And if you were worried Sam will get stuck singing covers for the rest of her career, she's reassured fans: "I'm going to try and do some stuff of my own and get some songs out there that are originals. We're getting our head together in the next few weeks just to see what we can come up with."

She sold 149,000 copies of 'Skyscraper', outstripping 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams by more than two copies to one to become one of the fastest selling singles of the year.


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