Leonardo DiCaprio: The Wolf Of Wall Street Star's 100 Sexiest Snaps (PICTURES)

Leonardo DiCaprio's 100 Sexiest Snaps
Leonrado DiCaprio
Leonrado DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio began capturing hearts as a fresh-faced romantic way back in the 90s, in films such as 'Romeo + Juliet' and 'Titanic', and hasn't stopped since.

He may have grown a little more stubble but, at 39, Leo is still one of Hollywood's hottest actors - directors want to hire him and aspiring actresses want to date him. And supermodels.

As he returns to cinema screens - this time as a high-life living lothario stockbroker in The Wolf of Wall Street - we bring you Leo's 100 sexiest snaps from throughout his years at the top... there are smouldering blue eyes aplenty.


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