Separated At Birth: Identical Twins Reunited After 26 Years Living 3,000 Miles Apart

Separated At Birth: Identical Twins Reunited After 26 Years Living 3,000 Miles Apart

Two 26-year-old women who grew up on different continents discovered they are identical twins after finding each other on Facebook.

Anais Bordier, a fashion designer who was living in London after spending her childhood in France, happened upon a YouTube video in December 2012 that sent a shiver down her spine. She said:


The girl on the picture was looking at me and I was looking back at myself.


The video showed American actor Samantha Futerman talking about how she had been adopted as a baby.

Anais had also been adopted. There was no mention of a twin in Anais' adoption papers but she thought the resemblance was too uncanny to ignore so she searched for Samantha on Twitter and Facebook and realised they were both born in South Korea on 19 November 1987.

"I don't imagine how chance could bother itself with producing two short girls with a napoleon-complex who still need to artistically sleep 10h a day & eat the rest of it, born the same day, in the same country, in the same city from different DNA patterns," said Anais.

Samantha had been adopted by a couple in Verona, New Jersey. She grew up with two older brothers, Matt and Andrew, her adoptive parents' biological children, and as far as she knew they were her only siblings.

But when Samantha received a message from Anais on Facebook, she too was shocked by her "slightly eerie-and slightly French-mirror image," and as the pair communicated via social media and Skype they both became convinced they were related.

"The similarities are endless," Samantha said. "We both share a twisted sense of humor, a love of cheese despite any & all lactose intolerance, flatulence as a result of said lactose intolerance, & an apparent napoleon complex to name a few. We are a shining example of nature vs. nurture."

The pair have now taken a DNA test, which has confirmed what they suspected - they are twin sisters. After they were born, they were placed with separate foster agencies and adopted separately.

The 'Twinsters,' as they have dubbed themselves, have decided to make a documentary to share their incredible story. They launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for the project, which has just reached their goal of $30,000, so we're sure we'll be seeing more of these two talented twins very soon!

Watch the video above to see excerpts from the twins' messages to each other and the moment they first met via Skype.

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