Lechal Smartshoes Can Help The Blind To Navigate By Buzzing Your Feet

The World's First Smartshoe

Indian inventors are on a roll this week - first there was the incredible entrepreneur who brought affordable tampons to poor women and now these...

The soles buzz on either side depending on direction

The world's first smartshoe. And the best thing about them is they're not 'smart' in a "ooh-look-I-can-photograph-my-food-and-find-the-nearest–vintage-store" kind of smart.

Lechal - which means 'Let's Go' - come with a smartphone GPS app. When working around, the soles of the shoes vibrate to tell you which way to turn.

For those with 20/20 vision or near they are still useful - they can also calculate routes, steps taken, distance covered and calories burn to monitor workouts.

Krispian Lawrence and Anirudh Sharma are the duo behind the concept.

Sharma said: "Now it’s completely a lifestyle product. These days active trackers are very popular, people are buying a wrist band to track their exercise, so what if you have something in your shoes itself, and you don’t need something outside your body?"

When the shoes go on sale they will be around £58 with the price dropping to half for the visually impaired.


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