Do You Know An Outstanding Blogger?

Do You Know An Outstanding Blogger?
MAD Blogs

Having a child can change the way you look at the world. Nowhere is that more obvious than among the community of UK parent blogs.

Mum and Dad bloggers are at the very front line of all kinds of issues, whether its raising funds for charity, building awareness of important issues, or sharing their personal stories to help make life easier for other families facing difficult times.

The MAD Blog Awards, sponsored by, is looking for the UK's most inspirational and outstanding bloggers.

If you know of a blogger who makes an outstanding contribution to their community then we'd love you to nominate them for our Outstanding Contribution Award – just click on this link and enter the person's blog address, and a brief explanation of why you'd like to nominate them.

The MAD Blog Awards judging panel will help select 10 worthy finalists who are all using blogging and social media to help others and make a difference in their community.

This category is only open for nominations until midnight tomorrow night (21 March 2014) so be quick! Come and tell us about your outstanding bloggers at

You can meet all the MAD Blog Awards finalists right here on Parentdish, starting next week.

Don't forget to follow the MAD Blog Awards on Twitter @madblogawards to find out about other nominated bloggers.
