‘Game Of Thrones' Finally Gets An Honest Trailer Ahead Of Season 4 Premiere (VIDEO)

Video: 'Game Of Thrones' FINALLY Gets An Honest Trailer

YouTube legends Screen Junkies have finally got round to making an honest trailer for HBO’s ‘Game Of Thrones’ ahead of its season four premiere.

The clever video creators have previously created honest trailers for everything from ‘Hunger Games’ to the ‘Lord Of The Rings’ trilogy, but they've taken their time putting together this new clip, which pokes fun at the show’s complicated plot and frequent nudity.

Joffrey is referred to as King Justin Bieber in the spoof clip

Helpfully, they've even made two versions so if you haven’t seen all three seasons yet, you can still enjoy a hilarious montage without having the plot ruined.

This time around the voice over highlights the show’s “disturbing imagery” and describes the whole plot as a “fight to sit on the world’s most uncomfortable chair”.

‘Game Of Thrones’ fever has been taking over on both sides of the Atlantic in recent weeks, as the season four premiere date draws closer.

The genius montage makers at Screen Junkies have produced loads of amazing clips before, including spoof trailers for Oscar-winning movies 'Gravity' and 'Les Miserables'.

Watch the ‘Game of Thrones’ honest trailer above...


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