‘Big Brother’ contestant Ashleigh Coyle might want to watch her back for the time being, as it seems her housemate Helen Wood is gunning for her.
For the first couple of weeks, you’d have been forgiven for forgetting Ashleigh was even in the house, but this week she’s asserted herself as a key figure in the show by executing her “evil plan” and manipulating her fellow housemates into putting Ash Harrison up for eviction.

Don't let that smile fool you - Ashleigh Coyle is a master schemer in the 'BB' house
As part of this week’s ‘Girl Power’ twist, the girls in the house had to decide which three of the boys to save from eviction.
While Helen was adamant that she wanted to save Ash from facing the public, Ashleigh managed to persuade the other ladies to put him up.
In scenes aired in Wednesday night’s highlights show, Helen secretly listened in on a conversation where Ashleigh told fellow housemate Mark Byron that she had wanted to save him from eviction, but Helen was insistent that he should go up because she was sure he’d be safe - something which didn't actually happen.

Helen Wood rages about Ashleigh
Helen fumed: “Ashleigh has just told two big fat lies. She did not defend Mark at all. Make your f***ing mind up, woman.”
Oh, Helen - you don’t know the half of it… but we’re waiting with baited breath to see what you’ll do when you find out.
Ash is one of five housemates potentially leaving the house on Friday. This will be the first eviction of the series where a male housemate is booted out.
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