Bank Holidays 2014: Dates To Get In Your Diary (They're Free Holidays!)

Bank Holidays 2014: Dates To Get In Your Diary (They're Free Holidays!)

Something about the days getting longer and the temperature being less arctic-like seems to make us collectively have one thought: I really don't want to be in the office. More specifically: I really wish I was on holiday. Somewhere, anywhere - just not here.

Sadly, weddings, hen dos and various other grown up obligations eat into our actual holiday allowance, meaning taking a day or two off here and there can be harder than it sounds.

Hurrah then for Bank Holiday season - which, joyfully, is almost upon us! Here in the UK, we get six days this year and they're the perfect excuse to book yourself a weekend away, organise a party or plan a proper night out (the type where no one leaves early for fear of wasting a day hungover).

Us Brits can't help but really go for it on a Bank Holiday weekend - they're more like celebrations than just extra days off. Now, if Prince Harry and Cressida Bonas would just set the date we could add another Royal Wedding weekend to the roster...

Get the dates below in your diary and start planning! It's so much easier to get through Monday to Friday when you've got fun events coming up in the near future to look forward to...


April 18th - Good Friday

April 21st - Easter Monday

May 5th - Early May Bank Holiday

May 26th - Spring Bank Holiday

August 25th - Summer Bank Holiday

December 25th - Christmas Day

December 26th - Boxing Day



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