This week a list of derivatives for arguably the most offensive word in the English language, c**t, has been added to the Oxford English Dictionary.
Since 2000, the OED has been updated quarterly in order to offer an authoritative, current catalogue of the evolving modern language. But what exactly does it say about Generation Y when the most recent additions to the word glossary are adjectives like c**ted, c**ting, c**tish and c**ty?
Along with most of my peers, I've got a pretty foul mouth and been known to drop F-bombs like they're going out of fashion. If the OED is anything to go by, they could well be.
I hold my hands up to using the C word more often than my mother would like (which FYI is never), but I still believe there's a time and a place to tell someone to "c**t off". I squirm when a lad shouts "let's get f*cking c**ted" as he racks up Jagerbombs in All Bar One, despite not giving it a second thought when I declare my eyeliner to be c**ty as it runs out mid-application.
A poll of my male and female friends reveals I'm not alone in my c**tish language and if you listen close enough, the four letter word is pretty common place.
Pop culture is dripping with c**ts. In 1977 you had to be 18 or over to hear John Travolta boldly announce in Saturday Night Fever: "It's a decision a girl's gotta make early in life, if she's gonna be a nice girl or a c**t".These days, you just have to hop on Twitter to see teen idols drop the C word - complete with hashtag...