Disney Heroine Criticised For Having 'Eyeballs Bigger Than Her Wrists'

Disney Heroine Criticised For Having 'Eyeballs Bigger Than Her Wrists'

The heroine in Disney's Christmas movie Frozen has come under attack for having eyes that are bigger than her wrists – which could send damaging messages about body image to young girls.

Philip N. Cohen, a sociologist at the University of Maryland, said that in Frozen, Anna's wrists appear to be almost one third the size of Hans's, her male love interest.

He wrote a post for Sociological Images: "Giant eyes and tiny hands symbolise femininity in Disneyland."

He added that the Disney character's diminutive features send 'the troubling message that to be lovable, it's best to take up almost no space at all'.

He has researched Disney animations and says the company tends to animate its typically-thin female protagonists even thinner when they are portrayed as the subject of romantic attention.

He wrote: "I think the evidence suggests that Disney favours compositions in which women's hands are tiny compared to men's, especially when they are in romantic relationships."

Disney has previously been criticised for its portrayal of unrealistic body shapes.

In July, an anonymous web artist posted charts called the 'Disney Girls Tutorial' which broke down the ways in which the company's female characters are animated to display exceeding thinness and exaggerated facial features.

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