Every Schoolchild In LA Given An IPad In $30m Apple Deal

Every Schoolchild In LA Given An IPad In $30m Apple Deal

Apple will provide every school child in Los Angeles with an iPad after the city did a deal with the technology giants.

Pupils at 47 schools across LA will now be issued with the devices at a cost of $30m.

The Los Angeles Unified School District made the decision after teaching staff voted iPads the cheapest product and the best quality in the market.

It is hoped that by giving students the tablets, those from low-income families will have better chances in the classroom as tests and exams are taken on the devices.

The LA Times says that the funding for the iPads will come from school construction bonds which will be repaid over the coming decades.

The school district will give millions of dollars in business to the California-based company over the next two years via their purchases.

Each device will cost the school $678 - an increase on the regular retail price because they will be pre-loaded with educational software.

The children will be allowed to take their iPads home. Firewalls will be put in place to stop them accessing certain material, but social media will be allowed.

Critics of the scheme - including a member of the school board - said that the devices could easily be damaged or broken by the students.

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