A teenager was so frightened of her parents finding out she had been filmed having sex that she handed over £15,000 of her mum's jewellery to a blackmailer.
And the 16-year-old Muslim girl feared her family's wrath so much she considered running away from home and killing herself.
But despite handing over the jewellery, including family heirlooms, a court heard that she was never even filmed by Aamir Khan, 20, as they had intercourse in his car.
Khan, of Spinney Hills, Leicester, admitted blackmail and was sentenced to three years and seven months youth detention, after he made demands for money and gold, threatening to post the footage on Facebook and send a copy to the girl's parents.
Judge Michael Pert QC told Leicester Crown Court: "The blackmail happened in 2009 when you were 18 and she was 16. It's of some significance you both come from a background where the shame of teenage sex would have more impact than perhaps it might in other circles.
"You made a number of demands over several weeks, cynically and brutally.
"She would have been mortified of photographs going on Facebook and her parents getting to know. There has to be a deterrent sentence.
"People must realise what an appalling crime this is and how members of society view it with disgust."
He said Khan only admitted his wrongdoing after a long delay, on the day of the trial.
Judge Pert said: "You hoped to get away with it and didn't plead guilty until the last minute, causing the victim more anguish about whether she'd have to say what had happened in court - and then be called a liar."
Jonathan Eley, prosecuting, said after the sexual encounter with the victim the defendant dropped her off in his car.
Khan casually remarked: "It's a good thing Blackberrys [phones] have cameras."
A few minutes later he phoned the girl, saying he had filmed what had happened, the court heard.
Mr Eley said: "He told her to get money or he'd post a copy of the film through her letterbox and put it on Facebook so her family would see what kind of daughter they had.
"The family had high value, high carat jewellery and she took rings, bangles and chains.
"The next night the defendant collected it from her window. He later falsely claimed half of it was fake and demanded more gold and made more threats about the video. A day or so later he took more bangles, chains and necklaces with family names on them."
The girl eventually confessed to her family, who have had rallied round to support her. No video footage was ever recovered and it is believed no sexual encounter was ever recorded. None of the jewellery, worth £15,000, has been found.
In a victim personal statement, the girl said she thought about running away and ending her life because of the 'whole nightmare for me and my family'.