Girl, 4, Born With Legs Like A Frog Can Walk Thanks To Forrest Gump-Style Splints

Girl, 4, Born With Legs Like A Frog Can Walk Thanks To Forrest Gump-Style Splints

A four-year-old girl who was born with just two muscles in each of her legs which left them bent like a frog's can finally walk thanks to Forrest Gump-style splints.

Lillia Reading was born with muscular myopathy, a condition that caused her to develop just two muscles in each of her legs, instead of the normal 15. It also left her with permanently bent knees.

Lillia, from Sheffield, first showed signs of suffering from the condition before she was born.

Her 31-year-old mum Katie's 20-week scan suggested that she had a club foot but she was diagnosed with muscular myopathy when she was born.

After having the tendons behind her knee cut, Lillia was discharged from hospital, to see how she naturally progressed.

Her dad, Nick, 32, said: "It was incredible, one day she clearly found the urge to want to walk. She tried to pull herself up on her legs but she didn't have any strength in them.

"It was a massive step because she wanted to do it - before she would just shuffle around on her bum."

Following this progress, doctors fitted Lillia with leg splints, which she can put on, as and when she needs them.

Katie said: "They go from under her bum down to her ankle, and bend round her knee so she can walk normally.

"They are like cages that go around her legs - she looks like Forrest Gump!

"If she wants to get up and run around she can just pop them on, and then take them off when she wants to sit down comfortably - it means she can be like any other child.

"She can walk, run around and play happily with all of her friends. It's amazing what they have done for her."
