Guess Which Celebrity Cookery Book Is The Duchess Of Cambridge's Favourite?

Guess Which Celebrity Cookery Book Is The Duchess Of Cambridge's Favourite?

Mary Berry can now officially count Kate Middleton among one of her many fans. The star of The Great British Bake Off (aka MyDaily's favourite TV show EVER) told the Take It Easy magazine that the Duchess of Cambridge uses her recipes in the kitchen.

Prince William famously revealed he was a big fan of Mary's when he met her in March this year. She's since described the meeting as one of the highlights of her career and said it was a "surreal" moment.

"Prince William said Kate used my recipes," she confessed. Well, that must've been pretty darn exciting for Mary. *Imagines what it'd be like to find out K-Middy reads MyDaily*. *Faints*.

The news comes as new mum Kate is due to return to work next month just 52 days after giving birth to royal baby Prince George of Cambridge.


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