How To Have A Healthy Sex Life, By Porn Star Stoya

How To Have A Healthy Sex Life, By Porn Star Stoya

Sex toys made from household items, cunnilingus and Cool Ranch Doritos. These are just some of the tips on how to enjoy a healthy sex life from alternative porn star and author Stoya.

So if you're feeling a little vanilla in the bedroom, perhaps it's time to do as this porn star suggests and fashion some sort of sex toy out of the junk lying around in the "messy cupboard" in your flat.

Into bondage but not keen on actually setting foot into a sex shop/torture chamber? Not to worry, Stoya tells Huffington Post Women. "Everyone has an extension cord in their apartment. Everyone has things that can be made into toys."

Don't have an extension cord? Use bathrobe ties, of course! "There's no need to buy anything expensive if you're experimenting," she added.

Not into bondage? Then simply tell your partner exactly what you want, because sadly, he or she is not a mind reader. "A lot of people grow up and don't talk about consent or sexual desires," said Stoya, who writes a Q&A blog for Refinery 29.

"I'll get questions like, 'My boyfriend never eats me out and I'd like to get him to eat me out, but how do I get him to do it without having to talk about it?' And it's like, maybe if he's really into raspberry jam, you can leave a trail from the bed up your legs.

"But that's a whole lot of work instead of just, 'Hey dude, how about cunnilingus?'" Straight and to the point. Got it.

Stoya also highlights the absurdity of shaming people for what they like in the bedroom. Sexual preferences, she said, are as arbitrary and varied as food preferences - "but no one calls you a whore for liking Cool Ranch Doritos."

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