Autumn is officially upon us, and you know what that means. It's time to forget the Tequila Sunrises and the Malibu Sunsets (do all summer drinks revolve around the sun?) and introduce your taste buds to a new warming cocktail.
We got chatting to The King of Ladies Man bar manger Katie Jackson and asked what's her favourite autumn drink.
"Our menu is compiled with modern twists on 'Disco Drinks'- old 70s & 80s cocktails. Like the Harvey Wallbanger, pina colada, sex on the beach and blue lagoon," she said.
Her favourite is Ladies Man's twist on the classic Harvey Wallbanger, simply called The Wallbanger and comes complete with a cocktail stick of cheese! Don't be scared, it's totally awesome.
Here's how to make one...
1. Pour 37.5ml Ketel One vodka into a cocktails shaker
2. Followed by 12.5ml of Licor 43 vanilla liqueur
3. Then add a 5ml squeeze of lemon
4. Mix in a bar spoon (or teaspoon) of marmalade
5. Add a 5ml splash of Laphroaig whisky
6. Shake!
7. Pour
8. Garnish with a cube of cheese and marmalade
9. Drink
For more cocktails recipes click here.