I Wanna Marry Harry: The Reality TV Show That Tricks Women Into Thinking They're Dating Prince Harry

I Wanna Marry Harry: The Reality TV Show That Tricks Women Into Thinking They're Dating Prince Harry

A new Fox reality show will trick American women into thinking they're dating Prince Harry. Is that even legal?

The show, appropriately named I Wanna Marry Harry, will see 12 single US women fly out to a big ol' country estate in Berkshire to spend "weeks trying to impress a royal-looking redhead" they believe to be Prince Harry himself.

The fact of the matter, he's not actually Prince Harry, he's just some random bloke called Matthew Hicks who barely even resembles PH. His part in the production? To "convincingly act the part so the women don't find out who he really is".

Matt will keep up the prince charade for the entire show, and only break the news about his real identity at the very end.

The main query we have over this is: If these women really "wanna marry Harry" then surely they are aware of what he looks like? Just because a guy is ginger and has a posh voice, it does not mean he's Prince Harry.

Oh, and also how gullible do you have to be to actually believe Hazza would do reality telly? Even Kanye West won't sign himself up for that shiz.

LOVE THE REAL PRINCE HARRY? Take a look at why he's our favourite royal in the gallery below...


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