Teenagers are increasingly losing interest in Facebook in favour of Instagram, a new survey has found.
While Mark Zuckerberg's social media platform was previously this demographic's favourite, they are now using and joining Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger's picture sharing app more.
So, do teens have a point - should we be forgetting Facebook and dedicating our time solely to Instagram instead?
Introducing Facebook Vs Instagram! Your way to deciding which platform you'd totally ditch if you had to choose one...
1. Which has the most annoying pictures? You'd think with Instagram being an image-led platform it would definitely have greater potential to be the more irritating of the two. However, it really depends how you feel about pictures of friends' babies vs pictures of celebrities' babies. Pictures of friends' engagement rings vs pictures of celebrities' engagement rings. Pictures of friends' lunches vs pictures of celebrities' lunches, and so on.
How do I decide? Figure out who you like better - your friends or celebrities.
2. Which has the most annoying status updates? There's nothing more inner-rage-inducing than a self-pitying status-posting Facebook friend. "Having the worst day ever", "my life couldn't get any worse", etc, followed by the much-wanted "wot's up hun?" has probably sent the most sane of us quietly mad at some point. Instagram, meanwhile, goes to the polar extreme of this. "Gotta love my new Jimmy Choos #love #shoes #fashion #fashiongirl #justcallmeCarrieBradshawbitches #100DaysHappy".
How do I decide? Figure out what makes you less angry - attention-seeking misery or shameless boasting.
3. What do you use social media for? Are you forever tapping away in that Facebook message box, liking friends' sonograms and accepting invitations to events? Or are you too busy taking pictures of your breakfast, your dog, your boyfriend, a cool wall?
How do I decide? Figure out whether you're in it to keep in touch or build your own amazing digital persona and then ditch the one that doesn't work for you! (Not really though - we mean, who doesn't have Facebook and Instagram?)