Kirstie Allsopp - "passionate feminist" and star of Channel 4's Location, Location, Location - reckons young women should sidestep university.
We should concentrate our energy on getting a boyfriend, she says. Buy a flat! Squeeze out some kids! Be a mum with a mortgage by the time you're 27!
The 42-year-old presenter told The Telegraph if she had a daughter her advice would be: "Darling, do you know what? Don't go to university.
"Start work straight after school, stay at home, save up your deposit - I'll help you, let's get you into a flat. And then we can find you a nice boyfriend and you can have a baby by the time you're 27."
According to Allsopp, if you're 25 and in a relationship you should have a kid because mother nature "is not a feminist". Hang around and by the time you're 35, you'll probably be as barren as the day is long.
No matter whether you actually want a child when you're still eating cheese toasties for dinner and can't afford your rent. If you don't take advantage of your fertility now, you'll regret it later.
Her argument - seemingly based on maths and not much else - is if you get pregnant at 20, you'll be free to get a job by the time you're 45.
"We have all this time at the end. You can do your career afterwards. We have to re-adjust. And men can have fun after they have kids. If everyone started having children when they were 20, they'd be free as a bird by the time they were 45. But how many 45-year-olds do you know who are bogged down?"
She claims there's a "huge inequality" between men and women, saying: "Women have this time pressure that men don't have. And I think if you're a man of 25 and you're with a woman of 25, and you really love her, then you have a responsibility to say: 'Let's do it now'."
Because you know, we're all patiently waiting for a man to tell us when it's okay to have kids.
How lovely it must be for Kirstie to come from such a position of privilege that she can abandon all reasonable thought. I'm sure I'd be much happier if I'd popped out a baby with the boy I was dating at 20. If only he'd just said those three, magic words: "let's do it".
How great it would have been to raise a child while living with mum and dad. How very idyllic to have attempted to enter the workplace after children with no skills and experience. How elated I would have felt after facing knock back after knock back after knock back.
Perhaps it is selfish of me to not be racing up the only path I, as a woman, am destined for and even more so for having no intention of bringing a child into the world until I'm a) earning enough money to buy nappies and b) old enough to give a f*ck about nappies.
But waiting until my 50s to go off and get a life really doesn't sound particularly appealing and worst of all, it's completely unrealistic. But then, does Kirstie Allsopp live in the real world with the rest of us? Clearly not.