Mum Of Four Was Drunk At The Wheel The Day AFTER A Party

Mum Of Four Was Drunk At The Wheel The Day AFTER A Party

A mum-of-four was arrested for drink driving the day AFTER she'd knocked back shots on a night out.

Tara King, 32, was found to be twice the legal driving limit on the afternoon of October 6 when she was caught speeding near a primary school with her children in the car.

The previous night she had been at the party of a friend who was emigrating to Australia.

Magistrates in Manchester heard that police officers smelled drink on her when they pulled her over, and ordered her to take a roadside test. The mum admitted she had drunk heavily the night before.

Prosecutor Subhanur Chowdhury told the court that an 'aggravating feature' of the case was that she had her four children aged 14, eight, seven and three in the car with her.

Magistrates disqualified Ms King for three years and ordered her to attend 35 sessions at a 'drivers' impaired by alcohol' programme. She was also instructed to pay £85 costs and a £60 surcharge.

Speaking to the Manchester Evening News, Tara warned others of the dangers of driving after a night out, and said her conviction had ruined her life.

She explained she knew she would probably still be the worse for wear the next day, and had made plans to get the children to school.

"My partner was babysitting that night and I made arrangements for him to take the children to school in the morning" she said. "There are lots of people who drive in the morning after they have had a drink, but I didn't do that. I knew I would probably be hung over in the morning, so I didn't drive. I didn't get up until 2pm and I felt fine.

"I just didn't think I was over the limit. I think it was because of the shots that I had. I'm not that big. I didn't think I would fail the test. Not a chance. So I complied with everything they asked. The prosecutor said I was driving stupidly, but I wasn't. I would say to people, just watch out. Be careful. It ruins your life. It's ruined mine. I will need to move house now to be nearer to the children's school."

Ms King, a part-time student, was convicted of a similar offence in 2001.

The magistrates told her: "If this happens again, it's odds on that you will go to prison."
