Mum-to-be Jenny Oliver is such a fan of beauty contests that she has entered her daughter – even though she isn't born yet.
The 26-year-old childminder is seven months pregnant with baby Ella and has signed her up for her first Bonnie Baby competition – two months after she's born.
Jenny's 10-year-old daughter Jessica is already a ten times veteran of the child pageant scene so Jenny feels sure her soon-to-be born sister will be a natural.
"With my dance skills and her sister Jess's knowledge of pageants, there's no way she won't win the prize for bonniest baby," Jenny, who also has a seven-year-old son, told The Sun.
"We may call her Ella but we might call her Eva - we're not sure yet. It was only a tenner to enter her and I believe you should start them young.
Ella will do so much better in life with all that experience under her belt. They learn how to hold themselves and be poised, be confident and get to do charity work and wear gorgeous clothes.
"I've got a tiny pale pink and white dress in mind for Ella. She's only going to be three months old but she'll have a bit of fun on the day."
The organisers for Miss Natural Sparkle decided to open a round for newborns after so many mums showed interest.
Jenny said: "Jess is so excited to teach her sister how to walk in pageant style when she's old enough. But for now I will carry her.
"Walking down that catwalk with my gorgeous baby will make me feel a million dollars - even though I'll still be carrying my baby weight and wearing daggy clothes.
"I hope she wins - it would be fab to have a baby sash and crown to add to the collection. I have so much planned for her."
The whole family will be heading to a not yet confirmed location for the competition on September 29.
Jenny, from Blackpool, Lancashire, said: "Jess is in the final of Miss Natural Sparkle too that day but it was £150 to enter her.
"Newborns don't show talent or confidence but I'm sure she'll be cute enough to win the judges over if she smiles."
Up until now, Jess has won second place for best smile at Miss Natural Sparkle 2012, Junior Ambassador at Miss Glitz Sparkle 2011 and Novice Supreme in the same year. She also won Director's Choice last year.
Jenny said: "She always brings something home these days - a tiara, a bouquet of flowers, sweets.
"What she's most excited about is bringing her baby sister along to the next one.
"I would do anything for her to be a pageant princess - they get so much out of it."