Parents Could Be Forced To Pay For Upkeep Of Children In Care

Parents Could Be Forced To Pay For Upkeep Of Children In Care

Parents in Worcestershire could be forced to financially support their kids if they are taken into care.

The Independent reports that Tory-controlled Worcestershire County Council plans to make mums and dads foot the cost of their children's social care bill.

The paper says that the council launched a consultation on child care support in a bid to make cuts in their £90m budget. Over a four-year cost-cutting effort, it could become policy to ask parents to 'contribute towards the cost of certain services provided for their child, provided they have the means to do so'.

Worcestershire county councillor Elizabeth Eyre told the paper that nothing had yet been decided, and that they were just looking at 'options that could be put in social services' toolkit'.

She said she accepted that no other council had ever implemented such measures, and said there was currently 'no mechanism' for it to be rolled out as they were unable to accept payments from families who already wanted to contribute to care costs.

Worcestershire's Labour leader, Peter McDonald, said the proposals were 'outrageous' and 'stupid'.

"Expecting parents who have had their children taken into care, often against their wishes, to then pay towards the costs of their care, is something that just will not happen," he said.

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