Rise In Paedophiles Grooming Children For Online Abuse

Rise In Paedophiles Grooming Children For Online Abuse

A report claims that increasing numbers of children are falling prey to voyeuristic paedophiles who groom them solely to carry out online abuse.

The sickening abusers persuade kids to perform sex acts or strip on camera. They then share the footage with other networks of paedophiles

The chief executive of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (Ceop), Peter Davies, told the Metro that such abuse made up a 'growing proportion of grooming cases reported to the centre' and that 'online abuse is an end in itself'.

"UK children can be targeted from anywhere and offenders will cast their net widely to target large numbers of children," he warned.

The researchers claim that one third of explicit footage shared online involves children under 15.

Peter Davies told the BBC that parents need to talk to their children more about online safety.

"It's amazing, the number of parents I meet who would not think twice about talking to their kids about just about anything else that is risky - but have a blind spot about online," he said.
