Three Children Steal Mum's Car And Crash Into Lamp Post

Three Children Steal Mum's Car And Crash Into Lamp Post
Getty Images

Three children all under the age of 10 stole their mother's car and crashed it into a lamp post.

The two oldest children, believed to be aged around eight and six, took the keys while their mother was asleep and climbed into the car at around 6am on Wednesday morning (May 28) - accompanied by their one-year-old sibling.

One got behind the wheel with the other two jumped in the back. Then the car lurched off the drive and nearly hit a parked car as it crossed a junction before mounting a kerb and crashing into a lamp post, leaving it bent at a 45 degree angle.

Police were sent racing to the scene in Wymondham, Norfolk.

None of the children were hurt but the car suffered minor damage.

A member of Norfolk and Suffolk Roads Policing Unit tweeted: "All safe, lamp post wasn't! #hideyourkeys!"
