Tiny Village School Boasts Five Sets Of Twins

Tiny Village School Boasts Five Sets Of Twins

There's certainly double trouble for teachers at Crosthwaite Primary in Cumbria, as despite there only being 61 pupils on the school's entire roll, there are an astonishing FIVE sets of twins!

The newest pair to arrive, three-year-old twins Harry and Reuben Fife, are the youngest on the register, while year five students Chloe and Sophie Richards are the oldest at 10.

In total, the twin make-up of the school includes one girl/boy pair, two sets of girls and two sets of boys.

Sophie Burn, the school's early year's teacher, said the new pair have settled in well.

"It seems a lot easier for twins starting here to settle because they have a friend right from the start," she told the Mail, adding that the boys' mum has made things a little easier for her with some colour coding!

"Their mum always dresses Harry in green, and Reuben in red, so we can tell them apart," she said. "'They love it and are quite set on which colour is theirs, and what they like."

Other staff members said they could not remember so many sets of twins at the school at the same time time. Teaching assistant Julia Porter has worked at the school for almost 20 years and said she is amazed by the current numbers.

"We have had twins through before, but not as many as this," she said. "All of the families are from quite a small area around the school, with one set from the top of Kendal. What's lovely is all the sets of twins get on really well with each other."

Year One teacher Paul Johnson admitted it can be confusing having so many pairs around because even the unidentical twins tend to look very similar!

"It can be hard to see which is which when they are apart," he said. "They all have completely different personalities though."
