British Summer Time begins on Sunday, March 30. On March 30 - Mother's Day - clocks go forward by one hour at 1am. The clocks go back an hour at 2am on October 26 - the last Sunday in October.
A good way to remember it is that clocks SPRING forward in Spring, and FALL back in the fall (Autumn) months.
On Sunday, March 30, we lose an hour of sleep - but you never know, we might get a Mother's Day lie in?. Then on Sunday, October 26, we gain an hour. The idea is that we get to enjoy an extra hour of sunlight in the warmer months, but it can play havoc with routine - especially with young babies and children.
If you're worried the extra hour could throw your evening (and next morning) routine out, we have some sensible - and realistic - ideas for keeping everyone sane during the change:
Prepare. Prepare. Prepare. It sounds simple, but don't leave everything until the last minute. Some schools will shift to summer uniform on the Monday after the clock change. Make sure you have it ready the night before.
The clocks going forward is not an optional activity – but a good trick is to hide all the clocks in the house if your children are still quite young. Tell the children it's whatever time you want it to be over the weekend. Make it work in your favour.
Pack everyone's school bags, washed PE kits, completed homework on Sunday in plenty of time for Monday. If you do forget to set alarm clocks to the right time and all over-sleep, having to run about looking for lost items of clothing and school books is a not a good way to start the week for anyone.